How I view the world now

A university athlete, playing football, dribbling

Sports and Poetry will save us all one day!
Image © Me, DUET, Gazipur, March-2022

I grew up as a silent, observant kid with mild cold-induced breathing difficulty. I navigated poverty, education, society in a non-proactive manner. It allocated me even more time to analyze most events in enormous details. I am almost done with my undergrads now, after years of noticing my own biases and questioning my own stances and beliefs, this is how I veiw the world now.

This is my honest personal view now and it is bound to change. I intend to update the changes with timestamps. Also, I am pessimist by nature so bear with me.

Unity vs Division

It is impossible to unite us all. It is also impossible to teach ourselves to respect other groups (good job if you do). I do agree education is the only solution and we have to push as far as we can to ensure mutual respect.

Individual vs Groups

People act differently when in groups and their social values (good or bad) take over. Humans as individuals are full of biases and are fundamentally flawed. It is pretty tough to live with one, no matter how good / easy to live with one is. It might be true that there are 50% evil and 50% goodness in the world, but evil is more proactive and are spotted more often. There are some good in evil and some evil in good. Nothing is true black and white.

Work, Productivity

The stone doesn’t move itself. It is tough to get things done. Objects (and relationships) require daily maintenance. I clean my table everyday, god knows where all these dusts come from in every 3/4 hours.


Good communication is tough! People are bad at communicating.

Personal Philosophy

I am an absurdist. The whole thing, existence, doesn’t make sense to me. Everything seem ABSURD. I participate very less to the society. I am an individualist (recently noticing some drawbacks), liberal of course. But I don’t care if my philosophy dies and other contrary philosophy or political party (which I consider very very bad) takes over. We deserve hell right here on this earth, right now!