Ambiguous Problem Statement at Craftsmen's Online Screening Test and wrong judgement algorithm!

TLDR; 20th June, 2022; Craftsmen asked us to find the maximum depth of a bracket sequence, provided sequence can be valid or invalid, however, our answers were checked with a code that only works for valid sequences. I can tell because we were provided a docker image and I could see the server code!

I extracted the artifacts from the docker image:

Craftmen's docker artifacts

Craftsmen’s problem statement as seen:

You need to find the maximum depth of nested angular brackets in this problem string. For example the maximum depth for this < «» «» > is three. The maximum depth of «><>«<»>«»> is four. You need to write a small function to find out the maximum depth of the string as can be found in the problem property of this JSON object.

The server code that generates bracket sequences:

export const getDeepNestedStringFromEmail = (email: string) => {
  // const email = '';
  const base64Email = Buffer.alloc(30, email).toString('base64');
  // console.log(base64Email);
  let emailToNumber = 0;
  for (let index = 0; index < base64Email.length; index++) {
    emailToNumber += base64Email.charCodeAt(index);
  // console.log(emailToNumber);

  let value = emailToNumber;
  let sum = 0;

  while (value) {
    sum += value % 10;
    value = Math.floor(value / 10);

  // console.log(sum);

  let outputString = '';

  for (let index = 0; index < emailToNumber; index++) {
    if ((index + 1) % sum === 0) {
      outputString = outputString + '>>>>>>';
    } else {
      outputString = outputString + '<';

  return outputString;

The server code which checks our answer, to find the maximum depth of a bracket sequence from the problemUtils.ts file:

export const maxDepth = (s: string): number => {
  let count = 0;
  const st = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
    if (s[i] == '<') st.push(i); // pushing the bracket in the stack
    else if (s[i] == '>') {
      if (count < st.length) count = st.length;
      // keeping track of the parenthesis and storing
      // it before removing it when it gets balanced

  return count;

Which is a solution of a famous leetcode problem maximum nesting depth of the parentheses - Leetcode , and it will work and only work for valid bracket/parentheses sequences, clearly stated on the leetcode problemset.

The server generated bracket sequences, in a simple enough pattern, x opening brackets (depending on user email) followed by exactly 6 closing brackets; repeated hundreds of times. The number of opening and closing brackets are not the same and it is not a valid bracket sequence! So our anwers were judged by a wrong server code!

This server code fails for this corner case, “play here” :

input: <<<<<>
server ans: 5 
ans for valid sequences: 1

I spent hours to pass this step 1, solving for corner cases, I emailed that there might be something wrong in the server code or the problemset during the test. I got rejected today for taking a long time to solve these problems though, I had to guess the server might be expecting a solution for a valid string!

Update (24-June-2022): People debated that «> can result in two if you define your max nesting depth that way in the programming community. For them, Tahsin Masrur vai has a corner case which the server fails to justify this debate. <» results in 1 by the server.

Tahsis Masrur vai's comment
